Who is she?
Serena Lockhart, sometimes known as 'Betty May', is a regular girl from Rhode Island. She gained her notoriety by posting nude pics on her tumblr site and being very open regarding not only her body but her life in general. In subsequent years she took down her tumblr and all other social media.
Why post her?
First of all, I like the redhead / freckles / pale skin combo. Second, she's a New Englander and I have to respect that out of principle due to my own roots. But mainly I wanted to post her because she is the epitome of an amateur; she's posting herself because she wants to.
How hard was it to find her?
Honestly it's quite easy - perhaps a 2 or 3 on the ten scale. People far more obsessive than I am tend to troll the web looking for just such a person. Amazing how far those first hits ripple out ...
What do you think of her?
I think she is very pretty - see above as to why I think so. But honestly I am not a fan of the whole hookah / marijuana culture thing. And she's about at the limit of my tattoo tolerance (yeah, yeah ... I'm old ...). She seems to like VWs though so that's always a plus ...
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